Hersonissos Directory

Kosta Maria Jewellery

Location: Hersonissos
Address: Ag. Paraskevis 11
Telephone: +302897022802
Fax: +302897022802
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Description: Venus and Kosta - Maria jewellers were established in 1983 in Hersonissos Crete. Our timeless watches are unique and the elegacy refined jewelry, decoratred with the most precious gems, are made from very skilled artisants. Thanks to the quality we bring you, as well as the friendly atmoshpere from our personnel, Venus and Kosta - Maria jewellers are the most welcoming shops in Hersonissos. The high quality after sales service is provided to all our customers all around the world.

Date added: 2012-06-07 00:00:00 | Last time updated: 2015-10-20 08:08:42 | Viewed: 4375 times
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