At the eastern exit of Kato Rodakino, there is a narrow street, from which a path begins to manoeuvre up the glacis, among the olive trees, for about 2 km until it comes across a dirt road, which we follow for some meters. At the point, where there is a crossroad on the left, the dirt road crosses a little stream with oleanders, which we follow walking along its eastern bank for some meters, until we come across some waterers and a fountain with flowing water. Immediately after that, we go up the dirt road above the spring and we continue left. After 50 m on the dirt road, the path goes up and right in the bushy glacis and, a little further on, it meets the dirt road again. This will happen many times until we arrive at a left turn, after which the dirt road goes almost straight to the west.
Right on this turn, there is a landscape full of fallen rocks between the road and the slope of the southern glacis of Krioneritis peak. On the right side of the road, we see number 98 written on a rock. From that precise point, we begin going up constantly on the steep slope, following the black or yellow marks on the rocks or the signs of E4. After 40 minutes, we arrive at Mouzouria site, where there is an indication on the left towards Krioneritis peak, at which we arrive in another 30 minutes. Approximately halfway of the route, we pass by the little church of Aghio Pnevma (dedicated to the Holy Ghost), underneath which there is a spring with cool water, to which the mountain owes its name. From the 1310 m high peak, the view is panoramic. The Cretan and Libyan seas appear to the north and south, respectively, in the distance. To the west, we can see the eastern peaks of Leuka Ori (White Mountains) and to the east we see Psiloreitis in the distance .
Krioneritis - Alones - Vilandredo - Aghios Konstantinos
From the peak, we begin descending to return to Mouzouria site. From here, we follow the ridge towards the east for a while and, after about 10 minutes, we turn left to the north, descending into a little cavity with northeastern direction, which we follow until its end. Then, we turn to the north again and, after passing over a characteristic white rock, we head to the stream with the plane trees.
When we reach the eastern bank of the stream, we follow it and cross a dirt road vertically. We continue descending on the stream's eastern bank and at one point we cross the stream and, after leaving a water reservoir on our left, we arrive at the village of Alones.
Our route from Mouzouria site to Alones primary school has a total duration of 1 hour and 40 minutes. From Alones, the route goes on to Vilandredo. From there, it heads towards the deserted settlement of Nisi and Kato Poros (where it meets the E4 northern route) and ends up to Agios Konstantinos. At first, vegetation is only scarce; however, the landscape is densely vegetated in the gorge of Kato Poros. The route follows the bank of the gorge and the stream of Foinikias. The church of Aghio Pneuma is very close to Krio Nero spring, after which the mountain was named. The view from the peak is magical. Alones are graced by meek arbutus and oak forests.