On the Summit of Kigilos

Mount Gingilos, (2080m),dominates overs Ksiloskalo in Omalos, (1225m), at the entrance of Samaria Gorge. The unstable limestone-dolomite rock gave the mountain the name "Sapimenos" (Rotten).

Access, although it seems difficult at first glance, is easy, as a very obvious path begins just before the restaurant that is located over the entrance of the national park of Samaria. We go uphill to the right for about 30 minutes, having a unique, panoramic view, the Omalos Plateau on the right and the gorge and the highest summit of the Lelka Ori on the left. The wind has chiselled the trees of this route, mainly the cypresses, giving them unique shapes.

At this point, following the path, which is no longer particularly uphill, we move at the eastern, southeastern side of Mount Psilafios. Here we encounter unique rocky formations, enormous in size, many of which are climbers' fields. A little later we see in front of us a large natural stone apse, under which the path passes. This part of the route requires particular attention because the stones are rotten and often close the path. After about one hour from the beginning of our route we reach the spring Linoseli, which supplies with its waters in summer and winter the gorge of Samaria. A short stop for water supply, as there is an uphill route of 50 minutes ahead of use in an obvious dentelated path that leads us to the saddle of Gingilos

The unique view rewards the visitor. The inaccessible gorge of Tripiti, in front of us ends at the Lybian sea. On days with good weather you can even distinguish Gavdos. On the left extends the mountain range of Katsaromoura and on the right Koriaris. These routes are not marked and it is recommended that you do not go there without an experienced guide, because the routes are dangerous. From the saddle there is a relatively difficult route but it is marked. It leads to Achladas Mitato and from there to Koustogerako. 

The path for the summit of Gingilos continues left of the saddle, not so obvious like before. You have to be careful in order to avoid the chasm that is near there. After a route of about 45 minute on pure rock with small difficulties we reach the first summit. From here the view is unsurpassed. The real summit requires 20 more minutes' walk and the the due attention. You return through the same path.

Route Difficulty: Normal
Route Duration: 7 Hours
Visit Period : All Year


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