The cave opens up on the base of a giant limestone rock and it lies 10 minutes Southeast of the village Adrianos Merabellou, at the location Notiko Hlabouti of the wider area of Koukistres. The rock consists of Triassic limestone among schists, phyllites and crystalline limestones. Nearby lies a deep limestone ravine, which is a bed of a torrent. It consists of four halls (A, B, C and D) and five chambers (a,b,c,d,e). After the entrance, Hall A opens up, which is larger than the others. On its eastern wall, there is small exit (f). At the depth to the left, there is a small chamber (a) featuring beautiful geological decor, a hole in the ground from where a weak current of air comes out and above it, a close-angle ascending path, 10 metres high, with two narrow and low passageways (where a powerful ascending current of air is observed, entering the cave through fissures at the base of the rock. We go down Hall B, where there are quite a few stalagmites and a water basin that has dried up in the middle of that Hall. On its western wall, chamber B opens up with charasteristic pillars and a narrow fissure (g) at its depth. On the Southwestern wall there is the corridor leading to chambers c and d. In chamber c, there is close-angle of a height of 8 metres approx., and at the depth there is a steep descending slope (k) of 8-10 metres approx., which probably leads to another chamber. Hall C lies lower than B and features an interesting natural decor. At location k, there is a steep descending slope of about 10 metres. In the small chamber, there are many sherds from vases and human bones. Last Hall (D) is very hard to enter, since the floor is ragged and very steep. However, its natural decor is exquisite. It is the most beautiful part of the cave. At the depth, a very narrow, 3 metre chasm is formed, which probably continues sideways. The total length of the cave is 48 metres, yet the course is about 100 metres. It was roughly mapped and studied by El. Platakis on 24th August 1962. Many bats live in the cave. In several areas, there is stillation. Unfortunately, during the last ten years the cave has suffered many damages and detachments of pillars, stalagmites etc. Opposite the cave, there is another smaller cave called Spilios ton Maridon, 31 metres in length, 3-7 metres in width and 7-9 metres in height. A spectacular cluster of pillars lies at the depth on the right side. On the left side, there is a stalagmite that looks like a human. In the cave area, there is an elevation called Fortetsa,where vestiges of walls, deserted dwellings and plenty of sherds from the Subminoan and the Geometrical period are discernible (such sherds are abundant in Atsigganospilio). It seems that there used to be a necropolis with vaulted graves.