Crete Demographics

The population of the Region of Crete according to the census of 2001 was 601.131 and corresponded to 5,48% of the population of Greece.

  Population Percental Population Change
  1981 1991 2001 % 1981-1991 % 1991-2001 % 1981-2001
Prefect. Heraklion 243.622 264.906 292.489 8,74 9,94 20,06
Prefect. Lasithi 70.053 71.279 76.319 1,75 6,25 8,94
Prefect. Rethymno 62.634 70.095 81.936 11,91 12,64 30,82
Prefect. Chania 125.856 133.774 150.387 6,29 10,97 19,49
Region of Crete 502.165 540.054 601.131 7,55 11,31 19,71
Total of the country 9.740.417 10.259.900 10.964.020 5,33 6,86 12,56

Source : National Statistical Service of Greece, Population cencuses 1981, 1991, 2001

During the decades 1981-1991 and 1991-2001, the population showed a constant upward movement with the relevant percental changes being higher than those of the rest of the country (7,55% and 11,31% for Crete and 6,86% for the entire Country).

Totally, population in Crete increased by 19,71% during the period 1981-2001, which underline its ability to keep and renew its population.

According to the contemporary results of the census of 2011, the Region of Crete showed a population increase of 3,36% between 2001-2011. More precisely, it has 621.340 inhabitants today (308.760 men and 312.580 women), with permanent population density per sq.Km. equal to 74,54. It represents 5,76% of the population of the Greek territory and is ranked fifth among the Greek Regions.

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